Self Love - Learn to Love Your Body

By: Hannah Collins

With Valentine’s Day coming up, lots of people are talking about love. But no one is really 

talking about self love. 

That’s where I want to start - self love and loving your body. 

Being a woman in today’s society is hard, especially in your 20’s when your body is constantly changing. Seeing the “beauty standard” on various social media platforms isn’t helpful either. As a junior in college, I’m constantly hearing girls complain about how they look and wishing they looked different. I used to be one of those girls before I took the steps to be happy in my own skin. 

So I have five very important words for you: Learn To Love Your Body. 

Here are the steps I took to make me feel good about myself and I am hoping it helps you too!

  1. Do things that make YOU feel good. 

Loving your body doesn’t mean you should be forcing yourself to do a 2 hour workout in the gym everyday. But if that makes you feel good, do it! The smallest activities can make the biggest difference. Taking a walk on the beach or doing a quick stretch in your room to get your body moving will make you feel great - trust me. If you used to play a sport or dance like I did, take it up again! Reverting back to old hobbies you loved as a teenager doesn’t mean you can’t start them again in your 20’s. 

2. Take a break from social media.

Social media is a huge part of college life and sometimes it can be toxic. Seeing influencers you wish you looked like and things you wish you could do can take a toll. So once in a while, or whenever you start feeling overwhelmed, turn your phone off. Picking up a good book or hanging out with your roommates can be the best distraction you need. 


3. Splurge on a new outfit. 

When you look good, you start to feel good. Our bodies are constantly changing and that means certain clothes might not fit anymore. This is NOT a bad thing. This means you’re changing into your adult body. So when clothes don’t fit the way they used to, buy a new outfit! Find new pieces that make you feel good in your own skin to go out and have fun. 

4. Stop caring about other people’s opinions. 

I could argue that this is the most important step. For me, this step was surprisingly easy. I stopped caring if people were going to judge me because here’s the truth - people don’t have time to judge you because they’re too busy judging themselves. No one is talking about the way your body looks because they’re still trying to love their own. Don’t be afraid to wear what you want even if you look different from someone else. Everyone’s body is different and that’s what makes us unique. 

If you follow these steps, I guarantee you’re going to start loving your

 body and feel the most confident you’ve ever felt. 

XOXO, Hannah <3


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