A Guide To Valentine's Day, Even When You’re Single

By: Abby Winey 

Valentine’s Day:

The dreaded holiday when I’m tapping through my Instagram stories and I see all of these people receiving roses, teddy bears, chocolates, and jewelry. 

Basically, Valentine’s Day is a holiday that makes us single girls feel like shit.

But, this happens because of what has been drilled into our heads since we were little. That is, Valentine’s Day is for romantic relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives. 

But, have you ever just thought…

Valentine’s Day is about LOVE?

As you’re reading this, I want you to make a list of people or things that you love. Got it? Now how many people thought of more than your boyfriend or girlfriend? Because I sure know I came up with a long list of people I love that doesn’t involve anyone I’m romantically involved with. Now, it’s time to sulk no more about being single and put your focus on having the best V-Day EVER!

My first piece of advice is something I feel very strongly about: Valentine’s Day is about love. I want you to start off your day by texting everyone on that mental list you just made and tell them how much you love them. Feeling love and giving love is the most important thing on Valentine’s Day. After you do that, follow these steps!

Step 1: Buy Yourself Roses

“I can buy myself flowersssss”- Miley Cyrus. 

That’s right, this year you're gonna embrace the single life and buy those roses for yourself, because you know why? You love yourself. And Valentine's day is all about LOVE.

Step 2: Host Galentine's Day

The other day I texted 30 girls and asked them to come over on Feb. 13th for a night of drinking wine, good conversation, and lots of snacks. Now I suggest you do the same, because you know why? You love your friends. And Valentine’s Day is all about LOVE. 

Step 3: Write Yourself a Love Letter 

Ok, I do admit this might sound cliché, but have you ever received a love letter from a significant other? I know at that moment it was a boost of confidence, a security blanket from your boyfriend or girlfriend. But who says you can’t give yourself that boost of confidence. Write that damn love letter to yourself, because you know why? You love being an independent queen. And Valentine’s Day is all about LOVE. 

Step 4: Dress Up, Put Makeup On, Look in The Mirror, and Recognize How Beautiful You Are

Although I truly believe real beauty comes from within, it doesn’t hurt to feel good about how you look on the outside every once in a while. There is nothing I love more than turning my speaker on, listening to a good getting ready playlist, and doing my hair and makeup. Even if you have absolutely no plans, who said you need plans to look HOT? You deserve to feel pretty on Valentine's Day, because you know why? You deserve to love yourself. And Valentine’s Day is about LOVE.

Step 5: Remember It’s Ok to Be Single

Being honest, this is the longest I've been single in a while, and acceptance is key. It is so important to remember that although you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now, there is a reason for that. You are meant to be single right now, you are meant to grow on your own right now. Your Prince Charming or Princess is waiting for you somewhere, but for now, write your own freakin’ fairytale. Be the prince, the princess, the frog, the queen, anything you want to be. Because right now you’re free from ties to anyone, you’re free to sit in a bubble bath with a face mask on and a glass of red wine in your hands instead of wearing uncomfortable jeans and an itchy sweater on a date with your boyfriend (no hate to the girls in relationships!!) Anyways, make this Valentine’s day about you and the people you LOVE because you know why? You love today. And Valentine’s Day is about LOVE.


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