My 2023 Ultimate Self- Care Tips 

By: Lily Leonard 

I know I’m not alone in feeling extremely stressed out by the new year and all that entails- whether that be certain responsibilities, pressures, or simply life in general. 

It’s a lot. 

The days are long, and life as a college girl is not for the faint of heart. It’s easy to get caught up in the midst of it all and let the little stressors pile up. Believe me- I’ve been there. It usually ends up with some sort of meltdown and starting again at square one. 

As things pile on, it’s important to prioritize our well-being and protect our peace. For me, what better way to do that than through self- care? Self- care looks different for everyone, yet it remains just as effective; and for good reason. Setting some time aside for ourselves is not only super important, but a perfect way to break up the heaviness we may feel in our day- to- day lives. 

Here are some of my favorite self- care tips when life seems to be a little bit too much- not that you need an excuse!

  • Go for a hot-girl walk. I’m sure the hot-girl walk is no foreign concept to anyone at this point. It’s all over social media, but also one of the simplest ways to clear your head! Throw on a cute athletic set (optional- but makes it more fun), put in some headphones, que up a good playlist, and get on your way!

  • Have a spa-day/night. The expression reigns so true: “look good, feel good.” A spa night is the perfect way to show yourself some TLC and serves as a great reset. Take a bubble bath, do a face mask, paint your nails- whatever you want! You’ll feel like a million bucks after. 

  • Take a day trip. Personally, I find that when I’m getting antsy it’s really helpful for me to get out of the house. That can include taking a drive to Fairfield Beach, going into the city for a day, or even just driving around! Sometimes going somewhere with no intention or expectation is just what you need to find yourself pleasantly surprised. 

  • Spend time with people who make you feel good. Life is too short to surround yourself with anyone who doesn’t make your soul feel good. Whether this be a girlfriend(s), your mom, your dog, a loved one- pay attention to who you’re smiling with and who make the heavy things feel not so heavy. Laughter really is the best medicine! 

Sometimes it’s easy to feel selfish about prioritizing yourself or like it’s okay for your happiness to take a back seat. The truth is: you’re better able to show up for those you care about and the responsibilities you have when you show up for yourself first. Let’s make this the year of laughter and growth! There’s no time like the present. 

Happy self- care(ing)! 

XO, Lily 


Time For Some Self Care!


Self Love - Learn to Love Your Body