
By: Emma Callow

Feeling like your coffee needs a coffee? Here’s why we should consider cutting back on caffeine, and see why over-caffeinating could be counterproductive.

We’ve all been there, reaching to fill ourselves up with another caffeinated drink to keep us going for the day. It’s hard to keep up with the fast moving pace of our everyday lives, and not crave the instant energy boost that we get from caffeine, which gets us through the day. But let’s take a look at why this could be a vicious cycle and see why over-caffeinating can be negative for our overall health and hinder our productivity.


Can't stop tossing and turning when it's time to go to bed? Consuming too much caffeine throughout the day can lead us to having a bad night's sleep. The effects of caffeine linger on for hours, this can be sensitive for us, especially when consuming a caffeinated drink close to bedtime. A bad night's sleep could lead us to being even more tired when waking up, making us crave even more caffeine the next day. 


Having too much caffeine can lead us to feeling irritable and restless. Overconsumption of caffeine can cause us to experience similar symptoms to anxiety. The last thing we want to happen, is to feel anxious and irritable when trying to get all of our work done, in a stressful situation. When we consume too much caffeine in an attempt to help us keep going, it can be counterproductive, because it can make us irritable, making it hard to focus on the task at hand.

There’s no denying that caffeine can give us that special extra boost of energy to keep us going throughout the day. But it is important to keep in mind the dangers of consuming too much, and the effects it could have on our health and productivity.



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