How do you know that you’re actually living your life to the fullest?

By Sarah Schelsa

I mean we are living, but are we actually living? We all say that we live everyday, every party, and every relationship to the fullest- but what does that truly mean in the grand scheme of things?

5 Signs You are Actually Living: 

  1. Your Health Matters to You. Health is not simply defined as spending an hour at the Rec Plex. Health is self care, eating healthy, laughing with your friends. It is a way to nourish yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally by indulging in all the joys that life offers. By appreciating these simple joys, you will truly feel healthier, happier, and a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Carry this “feel good” energy with every step you take - it’s the best form of energy. 

  2. You Chase Your Goals and Take Chances. Whether you are chasing a full time job after graduation, an internship for this summer, or an A in your toughest class, you should never settle for less than your best. Mediocre isn’t in your vocabulary - because nothing is out of reach! No matter how big you dream, you do everything in your power to achieve your goals by working hard and continuously putting yourself out there. Going after what you want with 110% effort, full speed ahead is how you conquer it all. 

  3. You Surround Yourself with Positive People. There’s no time for toxic people when you’re really living. You can’t waste your time on relationships that put you down or make you feel belittled. Surround yourself with people who support and bring out the best in you - with people that make you laugh and feel grateful for friendship. Life is more enjoyable when you are confident in friendships, and able to recognize genuine connections.

  4. You are Mindful. Everyday has meaning for you, whether this meaning is positive and the best day ever or negative and one of your worst days, you still accept the value in each day. Reflecting on what went well and what didn’t helps you live every day to its fullest potential. Living this way allows you to dedicate a moment to take a step back and evaluate the life that you are leading. There is a hidden message behind every day; it’s up to you to find it. 

  5. You Love Yourself. Most importantly, love yourself first. You are amazing, brilliant, beautiful, smart, and strong. We are all unique and that is what makes us special. That is what makes you, you. Appreciate every aspect of yourself, because guess what? You’re stuck with you forever. So PLEASE love every part of yourself everyday. 

We’re all due for a reality check every once and a while; true happiness comes from within, so take a moment to ask yourself if you are actually living. If your answer is yes, keep on that path and continue to grow in the best of ways. If your answer is no, start to incorporate these 5 signs into your life each day. Evaluate and reflect on your progress throughout the week. Take it step by step and start living your best life for yourself! Trust me, it makes all the difference.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


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