Growing Up and Getting Old: Advice to My 16 Year Old Self

By Katherine Kates

For the past 3 years, Thanksgiving break at home has always evoked a sense of nostalgia; a sort of sadness for the ever growing distance between myself and the town that raised me. I always feel as though my hometown appears somewhat empty despite the many lives that continue to thrive in my absence. Seeing high school friends tends to arouse old memories and old feelings, queue “‘Tis the Damn Season' ' by Taylor Swift. A lot has changed over the past 3 years, and it makes me realize how much I’ve truly grown up. While looking back and reflecting on how far I’ve come (and still have to go), I’ve thought of some pieces of advice that would have greatly benefited my 16 year old self, and probably would’ve stopped me from a few too many crying pictures and rants posted on my Finsta.

  1. You don’t need to air out all of your problems on social media, just text your close friends instead.

  2. Going off of that, you don’t need to boast all of your success on social media; as I recently read, “Sometimes, there is magic in keeping news about your blessings to yourself” (@97archives on Instagram)

  3. Often, your oldest friends are your true friends, and your truEST friends are your family: spend more time with them.

  4. They always come back, you don’t always have to let them come back.

  5. Holding grudges causes wrinkles; forgive but don’t forget.

  6. Worry a little less about what others think of you, and focus a little more on yourself.

  7. If they’re not meant to be in your life, you can’t make them stay.

  8. Your problems that seem SO BIG at the time are in reality so small and will be forgotten so soon.

  9. Please start wearing sunscreen— the tanning addiction is not worth the possible skin cancer. (If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it...)

  10. Just know that Taylor Swift will drop a 10 minute version of “All Too Well” for you to scream with your college friends about all the boys that have ever wronged you in the slightest.

Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t know all this before high school, because all the experiences I had shaped me into who I am today-- I’m still learning and growing, and could probably still use most of the advice on this list.


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