The Best Piece of Advice I Have Ever Received: The 6 year rule 


There's no sugar coating it. Heartbreak sucks. My boyfriend broke up with me three days before I moved in for the fall semester. It was out of nowhere, I was crushed, confused, and angry all at once. As the weeks and months passed the confusion stayed, the anger stayed, and the heartbreak stayed. 

This is normal ladies and gentlemen!

It’s okay to mourn something that you loved dearly, especially when it was ripped away from you. As we continued to talk and made things more confusing, I realized this was hurting me more than making me happy. I was setting myself up to get my heart broken over and over and over again. I’m sure we all have someone out there who has confused the living crap out of us. 

So as I was constantly feeling bad for myself, I decided to go out for coffee with my friend from home. I like to call her “my ray of sunshine”, my friend Jenna has something about her about her that everyone including myself envies. She carries herself with such grace, she is beautiful inside and out. So I hoped that when I met up with her, her sunshine would rub off on my glumness. 

As I explained my somewhat sob story of this push and pull relationship, Jenna cut me off. 

Now this is the piece of advice you need to keep ingrained in your head

She said to me, 

“Abby tell me how old you are” 

I said “20?”

She said “you are probably going to be settled with someone in six years. SIX years. Why are you wasting your time focusing on someone who doesn’t give a s**t about you?”

At that point in time my eyes widened, it literally felt like that rainy cloud above my head turned into sunshine. 

I have six years, six years to be free, six years to do whatever I want for myself, by myself, with my friends, with my family, alone. 

So now, here's my advice to you. You have an incredibly minimal amount of time before you need to stop being “selfish”. So be selfish. For the time being. 

Be alone. It’s Refreshing <3

From someone who is single, and happy with it. 

Xo, Abby


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