Finding a New Kind of Comfort 

By: Lily Leonard

Too often, I find myself standing in the mirror and picking apart every single thing I see. The mirror can be an easy place to judge, criticize, and be unkind to ourselves.

Something I know is a universal experience and a terrible one at that.

 We pick ourselves apart and chip at little pieces until we’ve torn ourselves down so low that rock bottom becomes the new normal. 

Mental health struggles don’t discriminate- and yet there’s nothing quite as lonely as being in the thick of it. 

It’s so easy to be so cruel to ourselves.

But why? 

For what? 

We’re so quick to hate the skin and body we’re in when the reality is that it’s our home, our vessel, and what we’ll wear for the rest of our lives. 

Let us make mirrors a reminder to be kind rather than cruel to ourselves.

There’s a sense of power we reclaim when we choose to express ourselves through our clothes- it’s a bridge between our mind and body, and should showcase that connection. 

Here For You Clothing

a brand dedicated to spreading mental health awareness, does exactly that, providing support both mentally and physically. Through each unique garment, Here For You creates a community of support that showcases the importance of compassion and the power of solidarity. 

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Ellie Haney, a founder of Here For You- who transformed her own struggles and darkness into light through most astounding achievement, and she is the epitome of empathy, kindness, and warmth. Her dedication to not just the clothes she makes, but the community she has garnered through her message is nothing short of inspiring. 

Ellie and her friend Peter Stack, who is an amazingly talented photographer and designer came over to my house to shoot photos for some of their new designs, and it was without a doubt one of the most pleasant experiences I’ve ever had. Hours flew by filled with nothing but laughter and fun- and it was then that I was able to see what Here For You is truly about.

Yes, the clothes are adorable and comfortable, but what stuck with me was that my smile never faltered throughout the entire experience. It wasn’t about the clothes themselves, but rather the comfort in the message they bring. Peter wasn’t as much trying to get good photos of the clothes- but rather capture how happy we were to be in them.

The holidays are a tough time for many- and loneliness is a really isolating feeling. Here For You is a powerful reminder and testament to the importance of community and empathy for people through all walks of life. Just because someone carries it well, doesn’t mean it isn't heavy.

Let’s make this the year of wearing things that we find comfort in, and knowing that no matter who you are, where you are, people are always

Here For You.


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