21 Lessons

As I approach my 21st birthday, I have started to reflect on the past decade of my life and all of the lessons I’ve learned. The hard, the easy, and the hidden lessons. In the spirit of my birthday, I have compiled a list of the 21 most important things I have learned in the past 21 years.

Moderation is good- Everything in moderation is something my mom always told me. Diet wise, working out wise, and even being on my phone too much. Eating dessert after dinner won’t kill you and missing one workout will not make you fat. Sometimes you need a well-deserved break.

You will always need help- Even though I am an adult, I will always need to call my mom for advice and for support. Your friends and family are there to help you. Never be afraid to ask for help or for advice.

Never forget to wash your face and use moisturizer- your skin will thank you later

Always make your bed even if you are in a rush. A cluttered mind is not the way to go about your day.

Make sure to eat three meals. Eat breakfast even if it’s just a granola bar.

Be nice to everyone. You never know what someone is actually going through and you don’t need to be rude to someone for no reason.

Drink water. Lol. 

If someone really cared enough about you, they would never put themselves in a position to lose you. Take care of yourself and remember people who are meant to be in your life will be there. 

Find your people and love them HARD. Good friends are hard to find. Hug your best friends and always make sure to tell them you love them.

Get a planner and write everything down. Crossing things off that are completed is the best feeling in the world.

Love is the rawest and realest thing we have to offer in this world. It’s the people who aren’t ready for love that make love scary. Love is not scary, trust yourself and follow your heart. 

Play with your pets. They will love you on your best and worst days.

Don’t do an assignment the day before it’s due. Easier said than done, but you will hate yourself every time you procrastinate.

Chocolate cures all problems. So does iced coffee. 

Take lots of pictures- and hang them up everywhere.

Social media will always be fake. Don’t depend on an Instagram post for happiness

On this note don’t depend on ANYONE for happiness. 

Life is too short to hold grudges. Forgive people, it will lift the weight off your shoulders you’ve been carrying with you for so long.

Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words. Follow through your words with your actions. 

Be honest. Everybody hates a liar. 

Everything happens for a reason. 

I hope you enjoyed my words of wisdom as an official legal adult. I am still figuring life out like everyone else, but focus on growing yourself and surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about you.

Love, Allison :) 

[Note from The Point Magazine Team: Happy Birthday to one of the first members of The Point. Allison, your dedication, hard work, and love for this organization does not go unseen and we are all lucky to know you. Here’s to 21 years and many more! <3 TPM]


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