Slowing Down A Hectic Semester: Trust Me, You Have Time

By Casey Santoriello

As weeks of midterms slowly come to a close, many students (including myself) have been reminded of just how hectic and stressful college can really be. In times like these, it is more important than ever to slow down and make time to take part in things that make you happy. Whether it be with friends or alone, here are some ideas on how to slow down and enjoy the little things in the midst of the craziness. 

Go on a walk! Walking outside always helps to recenter me and clear my mind. Seeing the leaves on the trees change colors, or the locals walk their dogs in the neighborhoods around campus reminds me of home. Not only that, but it is also great exercise and forces me to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ Walking can be done with any number of friends if you’re in the mood to socialize. If not, I always take this opportunity alone to listen to music or a podcast. My personal favorite is Emma Chamberlain’s Podcast “Anything Goes”. 

Read a book for entertainment! As we get assigned loads of reading for classes, additional reading may seem counterintuitive. However, reading a book simply because it interests you can be a nice distraction from schoolwork, while still keeping you mentally stimulated. 

Watch your favorite movie - because even though I love to read, I understand that it’s not for everyone! Watching a movie is sometimes better than watching a show because once it’s over- it’s over. This finite ending can stop you from the potential of clicking ‘play next episode’ again….and again…and again. Everyone has their comfort movie that they could watch a million times and never get sick of, so make some popcorn, buy some movie candy, and treat yourself to a movie night! If you’re in the mood to socialize, this can be done super easily with friends. If not, the comfort of your own bed is a great location as well! 

Bake! Whether you start from scratch or straight out of the premade package, baking is a great way to do something fun and creative with friends or on your own. Plus you get to eat what you bake or share it with others.  

Get coffee with a friend! This can be done right on campus at Dunkin’ or at one of the many many yummy and cute coffee shops in town! If you’re looking to go off-campus, I love Las Vetas Lounge right off Post Road, or Hole in the Wall. Both have a super cute vibe, and great coffee, tea, breakfast sandwiches or baked goods! Catching up with a friend you haven’t talked to in a while can cheer you up, and give you a much-needed break from schoolwork. Plus - the coffee never fails to help remediate a late night at the library!

Get off campus and go to the beach! We are so lucky to go to school on the coast, so take advantage of it! This can be done in so many variations:  you can walk there with a friend, have a picnic for lunch or dinner, watch the sunset, chill and read a book, or even do homework there! A change of scenery is a great way to remind yourself that life exists off-campus and it’s even better to do this out in Mother Nature. 

Do your nails or go get them done! Treat yourself to a manicure if you have the time. If going to the salon isn’t possible, it can be just as fun to take a little time out of your day to pamper yourself. 

Buy flowers for yourself or someone else! One of my favorite things to do is go to Trader Joe’s and make flower arrangements. The bouquets there are inexpensive and of great quality, plus it’s so fun to pick out the different types of flowers and put them together. Whether you keep these for yourself to brighten up your room, or give them to someone else, this is a quick and easy way to do something nice for yourself or another person. It’s just as important to be kind to yourself as it is to be kind to others. 

Last but not least, my personal favorite is this - dance to music in your room. It’s so simple! Just blast your favorite song and dance around your room like no one is watching. I know it sounds stupid, but it never fails to help me feel better! Letting loose and relieving any tension or stress can be done with some simple dance moves! I literally have a poster in my room that says ‘When In Doubt Dance It Out”!

These are just a few ways that you can do little things to break up your day and remind yourself that there is much more to life than constant studying and schoolwork. Life is all about balance, and whatever way you choose to remind yourself of that is essential to maintaining your mental health. Even if you think you have no time to do any of these things (or anything else that brings you comfort or joy), trust me, you have much more time in your day than you think. When you dedicate a set amount of time to slow things down, you get a clearer, more positive perspective on things!  


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