Guide to Beating the Winter Blues

By Megan Murray

As we leave fall behind and slowly approach winter, you may be left feeling a bit blue. Whether your shift in mood stems from shorter days and less sunlight, colder weather, final exams, or simply missing summer days– winter can feel stressful, gloomy, and dreary. Here are some of my tips to not only surviving the winter season, but also enjoying it: 

Stay Active, but Don’t Push It.

Even though it might be too cold to go on a mindful walk outside, it is important to get your body moving- especially after studying for finals all day. Go to the Rec Plex, put on your favorite playlist, and do whatever workout feels right for you (personally, I love doing spin classes). However, if you aren’t feeling up for a workout, don’t force it! Give yourself a break and listen to your body when it needs to rest.

Watch your Favorite Comfort Show/Movie.

Comfort shows can make us feel nostalgic, relaxed, and at home. So cozy up, put on your favorite pajamas, and turn on that one show or movie that you can never get sick of. My personal go-to’s are Gilmore Girls and 13 Going on 30.

Bake your Favorite Treats.

When everyday seems to just get colder and colder, sometimes you need a sweet treat to warm you up. Living in a college dorm makes it difficult to bake, but consider using the kitchen in the lounge of your hall. Get your friends together, put on some music, and gather all your ingredients to bake up something delicious. It doesn’t have to be fancy – pre-made Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough will do the trick! 

Think about the Best Parts of Winter.

Winter can definitely be a stressful time, but nothing compares to the excitement that comes with the holiday season being right around the corner. The lights, the snow, the music – all of it adds to the wonderful anticipation of Christmas. Instead of wishing you were away from the freezing New England winter, take some time to enjoy all of the moments that make the Christmas season so special. This can include attending the Fairfield Christmas Tree Lighting, ice-skating at Bryant Park, or simply driving around the neighborhood and admiring Christmas decorations. Savor time spent celebrating with family and friends. Whatever it is, be present in the moment and don’t wish away time. Winter will be gone before we know it. 


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