5 Habits for a Productive Day

By Grace Hanlon

The small habits that have made the biggest impact on my day.

1. Don’t hit snooze

It is so easy to hit the snooze button on your phone in the morning. However, I have found that I feel more awake if I get up at my first alarm.

2. Hydration 

The simple act of drinking water the moment when you wake up may seem insignificant. However, it is an essential part of maintaining a healthy mind and body. Drinking water in the morning not only wakes up your body, but balances the toxins that develop in your body while sleeping. It also increases energy levels and brain function to help you feel more aware and focused throughout daily classes.

3. Read

I know the mornings can be busy and you may feel rushed, but reading something before checking your phone is one of the most helpful habits I have developed. The first thing you read in the morning is what your brain will naturally focus on for the rest of the day. When I do this, I have found that I am much less distracted by my phone and social media throughout the day and can concentrate more on school work. Journaling, even something short, has the same benefit!

4. Make your bed

In my opinion, this is the most important. When you make your bed, you have already accomplished one productive act with hardly any effort. Especially in a dorm, keeping a neat and organized space helps with remaining focused throughout the day.

5. Eat

Eating in the morning gives you the energy you need  to accomplish your daily tasks throughout the day. 

Having an organized and regular morning routine helps to feel less rushed and overwhelmed throughout the day. By completing the simple goals set for the morning, the intimidating tasks you have to accomplish during the day feel more manageable. 


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