Spa Night!

Spa night is personally my favorite way to unwind and relax after a long day. It’s always nice to treat yourself, especially in college when your workload gets heavy and your free time is very limited. I personally have a few absolute go-to products for when it comes to a spa night where I’m looking to relax and escape my stresses!

First off, FACE MASKS!!!

I always start my spa night by cleansing my skin to free my pores of all the dirt they collect throughout the day. Cleansing before putting on a face mask is crucial, so that all the yummy ingredients in the mask can get absorbed into your skin. Putting on a good face mask is the most essential part of any spa night! I love finding a face mask that actually makes a difference in your complexion. These are my favorites.


Glamglow is definitely my favorite face mask. Although it’s pricey, it’s completely worth it.  Since I started using this mask, I’ve seen my skin completely transform. It clears breakouts almost immediately and has my skin feeling brand new!

Clean and Clear Detox Clay Mask

This is another one of my favorite masks. This mask does an amazing job of making my face feel fresh and clean. There’s a lot of product in the tub, which allows for many uses which is another reason why I absolutely love this product. All in all this product does a great job of cleansing my face, detoxing my pores, and it leaves my skin feeling refreshed and bouncy.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Mask

This mask is hands down the most hydrating mask I have ever used. It’s perfect for winter, when my skin is feeling especially dry. I would HIGHLY recommend stocking up on these as they’re single use, but totally life changing. I can assure you that you will have the smoothest and most hydrated skin after using this mask- it’s a miracle worker.


Tea, not the gossiping type- the drinkable type, is an absolute essential to my ideal spa night. I love tea and how relaxed it makes me feel. A hot cup of tea- and maybe some TEA are essentials to the perfect spa night with my friends. Find my favorites below!-Yogi Skin DetoxNot only does this tea taste and smell absolutely amazing, but it seriously leaves you with the healthiest glow. It does wonders for clearing up breakouts and perfecting your complexion.

Bigelow Green Tea

This has always been an absolute favorite of mine. Not only does this green tea have a great taste, but it also has amazing health benefits. This is the perfect tea if you’re feeling under the weather and looking to give yourself a boost. It’s also a great way to unwind and end your day. You can even get this at the Tully- thanks Fairfield <3

Miscellaneous Products

Other products that are great for spa night are…

Pore Strips-Whitening Strips

Mario Badescu’s White Powder

Glossier Serum


Last, but certainly not least– the perfect way to wrap up any spa night is to MOISTURIZE! Everything from you face, to your lips, your hands, your elbows, and even your cuticles, are dying for hydration after a long day. Moisturizing is so important, we even even wrote an entire article on it. Check it out! My favorite hydrating moisturizers are Cocoa Butter Vaseline for my lips, Glossier’s priming moisturizer for my face, and Bath and Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar for my hands. I finish off my moisturizing routine with Mario Badescu’s Rose Water spray, which leaves my skin feeling refreshed and looking bright.

So grab your girls (or boys), your favorite face mask, and maybe a romcom, and enjoy your spa night!

Xoxo Grace Williams


Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize


My Experiment w/ Self Tanners