Say YES to the Pimple Patch 

By Abigail Winey 

I hate to open this by yelling at you but…STOP POPPING YOUR PIMPLES. 

As we know, pimples occur when excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria become trapped in a pore. When you have a pimple, the skin is already under pressure and irritation. By popping it, you introduce the pus and bacteria back into your skin, causing more stress and increasing the possibility for infection and deep scarring. 

Since I have been struggling with pimples for years, my dermatologist has drilled the “don’t pop rule” in my head. So, how do I get rid of those nasty white heads without making things worse? 

Two words.  

Pimple Patch! 

I am absolutely obsessed with pimple patches, my favorite being the Hero Cosmetics “Mighty Patches”. 

How do these little patches do God’s work? They use gel forming agents to suck the gunk out!

“Hydrocolloid is made of gel forming agents like pectin or gelatin (most commonly used) that create a moist environment with the body to promote healing. It draws out the fluids and pus and then forms a soft gel. If you've used Mighty Patch before, you'll notice this as the white stuff that gets sucked out!” (From CEO of Hero Cosmetics) 

I kid you not, I could have a huge pimple on my chin with a white head ready to be popped and I stick a patch on and overnight it sucks everything out so my pimple can begin healing by morning! 

I have also found that using the pimple patch doesn’t make the redness of a past pimple last as long as if I popped it. 

So, next time you get a nasty white head…don’t walk, RUN to your nearest drug store or Target for these little patches of wonder! 


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