How To Staycation

Chances are that you’ve probably had to postpone a trip or two by now. Although traveling doesn’t currently seem possible, a “staycation” can be just the reset you need. I honestly think the worst part about traveling is the travel, so this will let you skip the chaos and head straight to relaxing. Honestly, fewer expenses and less planning makes this too good to resist. 

First, good company.

Obviously be smart- make everyone goes to get a COVID test or assure they have quarantined appropriately. Once you’ve confirmed you’re all healthy, you can have as many friends as you think you need. Most recently, I roped in 5 of my besties for a Newport staycation and it couldn’t have been better. Sometimes the best entertainment is being with good people who don’t stop laughing. The state of the world has made me appreciate personal connections and physical interactions so much more. Be kind to and grateful for those special people in your life. With all of that... pick friends who won’t mind helping you cook and clean. This is definitely a do-it-yourself kind of trip. 

Next, pick a location.

You probably aren’t going across the country, but you can still make it fun. I rented a house an hour away from home and road tripped with the ladies. Not too far, but far enough to have a change of scenery. Suddenly my office and front yard were Newport 2nd Beach and I was very much okay with it. There’s something to be said for waking up and drinking coffee on a porch that you wish was yours. Anyways, you don’t have to go anywhere extravagant- look for a place that accommodates all the gals and just go. Airbnbs are pretty cheap this time of year and you’d be surprised at what’s out there to rent for the week. A cute, house, split between 5 friends… is like a no brainer. Worse comes to worst, you’re in a shitty place with your favorite people. 

Saved the best for last- the itinerary!!!

Make a little list of events to look forward to. The fashion show pre-games are always my favorite memories. Just pack your whole closet, for I know the dinner pictures require at least three outfit changes. Speaking of dinner, you can’t go wrong with ordering in or cooking for yourself. Who knows, maybe someone has been perfecting their culinary skills during quarantining. If you’re anything like me, Chili’s takeout does the job (don’t get me started on the 3 for 10). Aside from dinners, hopefully you can enjoy some quality time outside. Running in new spots is always an adventure, so drag your friends out for even a mile. Take a picture break, stop for coffee, or do whatever you need to take advantage of the season’s good weather. If you’re still in school, run back to turn your house into Zoom University. Everyone around the kitchen table is way better than doing problem sets at your childhood desk.. besides, misery loves company right?

In all seriousness, do whatever you need to relax. You deserve a break. I hope this staycation gives you something to look forward to. If you commit to it, I promise you can’t mess it up.


xox Victoria Rego


Abroad 2020