Quarantine has been going on full fledged for about a month now and it’s hard to not get bored at life. Everything seems dull… waking up, eating, doing class work, day after day it’s never ending. As much as I want to feel hopeful for what’s to come, it can be hard when there is so much uncertainty surrounding your existence. As bland as life may be right now, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to be inspired. It’s the small things; observations of nature, quotes I read on Instagram, and incredible people I discover that have gotten me through these drab times. You don’t have to look far or hard to find what makes you excited. 

What’s been inspiring me most?


When I started using Instagram as a tool for inspiration instead of comparison, it opened doors to my own creativity. These are the top accounts I admire for their constant promotion of art, style, and positivity. 


@subliming.jpg creates unique graphics that are different from anything else I have seen online. The fonts and style vary depending on the post, but they are always colorful and aesthetically pleasing. This artistic display of powerful quotes has made me rethink my perspective on many life issues.


@positivityposy is an account with a simple goal: spread positive messages. By taking quotes posted on Twitter or Tumblr and posting it on one page, this account has become a center in my life when I feel unmotivated or upset.

Screen+Shot+2020-04-28+at+1.15.52+PM.png is an account run by two female entrepreneurs, Natalie Ellis and Danielle Canty, that uses motivational quotes, photos, and videos to inspire hardworking and smart females. As a page of women empowerment, it truly lifts me up to be more productive when I am feeling lazy. 


@unreaping is a fashion inspiration page that takes pictures from various sources and allows followers to get outfit and photo ideas. Whenever I crave online shopping I always visit this Instagram first to get ideas of pieces to buy, and how I can style them.


@samanthafeher is an online blogger who not only posts outfit and lifestyle inspiration, but also documents her work at Cosmopolitan Magazine. Through her page, you get an inside look at her job as assistant to editor in chief and also how she runs her online store @eatbrunchclub. Her posts are beyond just photo inspiration, but also allow insight on her career and how one may go about a similar path.

Don’t make scrolling through Instagram negative for your mind and instead use it as a way to find inspiration in your own interests. Finding accounts like the ones I suggested, always pick me up when I am down. They inspire me to start creating, whether it be for school, work or just fun. Keep your eyes open for the little things in life, because in uncertain times like these it is what pushes you through.

Stay healthy and safe!

Caroline Hadfield


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