Isle of Paradise Tanning Drops

It’s the time of year again when the summer tan is completely faded and your looking a little ghostly in those insta pics. I’m a firm believer in the artificial tan to keep you looking alive all year long. Many people are drawn to things like tanning beds, but I would rather get the glow without the damage of UV rays. In the past I was using things like tanning mousses (which are still a really good option) but recently I’ve been using the Isle of paradise tanning drops and I will definitely be repurchasing it when I run out. I’m not the only one though that swears by these drops, many celebrities are telling their tanning secret, and these drops are it!            

The drops retail for $29 and can be purchased online and in store at Sephora. I know the price is a little steep for a tanning product, but it lasts long. I purchased this product about a year ago and I still have half a bottle left. The Isle of Paradise also has a range of other self-tanning products, including tanning water, dark mousses and wash of body bronzers. So, if you don’t think the drops are the right product for you, I would definitely check out the other things this brand has to offer since the brand is so unique. The Isle of Paradise’s products are made with color-correcting technologies to help even out skin tone for the most real looking, natural tan ever! This product is cruelty-free, 100 percent vegan, organic, and made using certified organic ingredients, actives at low pH levels, non-sensitizing ingredients, hypoallergenic ingredients, and pure oils. I have very sensitive skin and I have no reaction at all. 
When I first bought the drops, I was a little confused as how to apply the product, but it does come with instructions and I’ve picked up tricks along the way. Tanning is all about trial and error but I’m here so you will have a little less error then I had. First you want to shower and shave just like you would with any tanner. Dry off and now it’s time to tan! Add one to 12 drops to your favorite moisturizer, mix together, and apply to skin. Personally, I use three drops on my face and 5-6 drops on my body. The more drops you add the darker you get. I don’t use a glove or anything because it’s not a mousse, you are simply applying lotion to your body. The tricky thing about this thought is that you do not see the color difference right away, so you need to make sure you SCRUB your hands after the application (make sure you get in-between your fingers). Way too many times have I woke up the next morning with orange hands.The drops come in three different shades, the peach bottle is light, the green bottle is medium, and the purple bottle is dark.The peach drops are formulated with Oxy Glo complex, which is clinically proven to brighten your skin, the green drops are formulated with Super Balance complex to reduce redness, calm the skin, and improve your karma, and the violet drops are formulated with Hyper Violet complex to reduce orange/sallow tones and raise your tanning game.I use the purple/violet bottle and I get pretty pale in the winter, I am Italian though and can get dark in the summer, so the darker tone looks natural on me. If you are not sure which bottle is the right choice for you, go with the medium cause you can always build it up or tone it down.            

Overall the Isle of Paradise tanning drops are totally worth the hype and I think everyone should give them a try. Whether you are a newbie to than tanning game or true pro on the matter I think everyone will love these drops. The man behind the range is Jules Von Hep. He has tanned everyone from Lily James, Millie Mackintosh, Sienna Miller and countless models backstage at Fashion Week, so if anyone knows what makes a good tan – it's him.              

Now that you know my secret, go GLOW!

X,Sophia Rainone


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