How To Set Goals for an Uncertain Future

2020 has brought a multitude of unexpected challenges. With those challenges, it’s been important to see how they facilitate growth. Personally, my internship was cancelled, I was sent home to quarantine (which turned to becoming remote), and fall racing for crew took an unexpected turn. All of these inconveniences put a damper on both my mood and motivation. It’s taken an ambitious mindset to get out of the rut and into my new normal. I found that the best coping mechanism is setting sizable goals I can work towards. I know I am not alone in experiencing such adversity, so let’s start goal-planning together. Here are my three essential tips for planning ahead and setting your sights on things above. 

First, set a goal that you have control over. Deciding to do something that Covid can’t take away is crucial. Maybe this means getting an A in a class or completing a workout challenge. Both of these give you an opportunity to feel good and only require the commitment of yourself. Stay in tune with how you feel throughout the process, so you can remind yourself of all you went through to reach the final product. Part of what makes this process so dynamic is realizing that not every quiz or workout is going to be perfect or life-changing. You’re going to have to adapt, similarly to how you have for the last 6 months of Covid. As long as you know that you have a destination, the way you get there is just character building. Seriously… no one is judging you for restarting the Chloe Ting shred, again. 

Secondly, plan incentives along the way. If you’re looking for another job, give yourself a kudos every time you submit an additional application. If you put in an extra hour of studying towards getting that A, go bake the pumpkin bread recipe you’ve been eyeing. My favorite way to reward myself is to try a new coffee shop- tbh I’m overly motivated by the idea of caffeine. Obviously, these perks are able to be had on a normal basis, but taste so much sweeter when they’re backed by your hard work. Maybe your new workout routine is the reason to go athleisure shopping, or invest in a gym membership. Whatever it is, don’t make this an excuse to buy it, but rather motivation to go the extra mile. You will be more inclined to finish your trip, if you’re genuinely enjoying the journey. 

Finally, remember to relax. It can be easy to dwell on any disappointment and beat yourself up if you’re behind schedule. Part of college is realizing that everyone’s agendas look differently and you can’t compare your friends’ progress with your own. Make your goals collaborative, but not controlling. Decide what you want to accomplish, but try not to let that dictate how you live your life. You don’t always need to turn down that date with a friend or decide you’re too busy to take a walk to Fairfield beach. There will always be an extra hour to do work, but not always the chance to be around your closest friends. Take advantage of the motivating people in your life, but realize they might not share in the same motivations as you… and that’s okay. It’s refreshing to be around people, all of whom seek different pleasures in life. In conclusion, your dreams aren’t going anywhere if you need a mental break. College has a funny way of planning itself out- sometimes an opportunity needs to fall through for a better one to fall into place.

Be patient and be kind to yourself, it will work out even if it’s not how you planned.

Bottom line, you got this.

Victoria Rego



