The Sunday Reset

By Zoe Jukoski

When Sunday rolls around, most of us are pretty tired and feel like we need to reset ourselves before a new week starts. I started doing the “Sunday reset” a couple of months ago, and found that I am now more organized and energized during the week. It is important to find balance; you don’t want to sleep all day and be unproductive, but you also don’t want to work all day and get no rest. Finding a middle ground is key. The goal of the “Sunday reset” is to prepare for the new week, and feel like you are in a good place for the upcoming week. Here are some ideas that can serve as inspiration for your “Sunday reset”:

Meal Prep: Meal-prepping is a great thing to do if you want to stick to a healthy diet or avoid eating out, or if you simply don’t have the time to cook during the week. I usually cook at least two different proteins, cut up veggies, and make energy bites for snacks. Meal prepping is cost-effective and reduces your stress during the week, so you aren’t asking yourself after a long day, “What should I have to eat?”

Clean: Tidying up on Sunday alleviates some of the stress of cleaning throughout the week. Change your sheets, do your laundry, and organize your room. If you have a roommate, they will especially appreciate this one.

Self Care: After a long week of classes and nights out on the weekend, most of us look and feel pretty tired. Use your Sunday to take a long shower, and apply your special scrubs and lotions. Light a candle or put your diffuser with essential oils on to help you relax even more. I always do a face mask and drink detox tea to get any residue from the weekend out of my system. Take this time to FaceTime your family, or catch up with your friends and roommates. 

Plan: Write down your weekly schedule including classes, assignments due, or any meetings and appointments. Plug in all of your devices, and get any necessary books out for class on Monday. Planning your outfit Sunday night gives you more time the next morning for other things too. 

I hope you feel refreshed and ready to conquer the week after doing the “Sunday reset!”


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