How to Maximize Your Productivity

Feeling like your days keep slipping away from you? Or are you constantly wishing that there were more hours in the day? Here are some tips to help you make the most of your day and tackle your growing to do list.

Put Your Phone Away

It seems so simple, but there is nothing more distracting than having your phone right by your side when trying to get something done. It’s so easy to get sucked into your phone and not even realize how much time has gone by. Putting your phone in a spot where it’s not in reach could be a huge game changer if you are trying to be productive throughout the day.

Start Small

When looking at the list of things you need to get done, try choosing the smallest task on your list to start off. Starting with the smallest task puts you in a good rhythm; once you complete that one small task, you will most likely feel accomplished and be more encouraged to keep going.

Wake Up Early

Even though it’s easier said than done, having extra time in the morning gives you time to plan and organize for the day. I feel like whenever I wake up early, I have the most productive days. Giving yourself an extra hour or two to set up for the day and get things done can really make a difference.

These 3 tips have really helped me stay more consistent in balancing my time, and could definitely help you have a more productive schedule as well!


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