20 things quarantine has taught me:

1. Confide in those close to you, and really listen to them when they confide in you.

2. If you never wear it, just get rid of it.

3. Take time out of your day to laugh, even if it is at yourself.

4. Learn to cook, or at least master a few healthy meals.

5. The phone works both ways, pay attention to who you connected with during this time without penalizing those who you did not.

6. Take a lot of pictures and videos, even of the non “Instagrammable” moments.

7. Appreciate fresh air, a walk around the block is sometimes all it takes to clear your head.

8. Try to get the same amount of sleep each night, TikTok will still be there in the morning.

9. Always take a moment to watch the sunset (or sunrise if you happen to be a morning person) . It’s a beautiful end to each day, good or bad.

10. Don’t be afraid to change up your plans, you will end up where you are supposed to be in the end.

11. Be present and aware of the world around you. It often feels like it may be easier to shut out the current state of our world rather than have it overwhelm you, however, by being informed, you can be part of the change, rather than part of the problem.

12. Keep a day to day routine, even if you have nothing exciting planned for the day. 

13. Embrace your own style, whatever that means to you. From Fila to Free People, don’t be afraid to try new fashion trends and find what suits you best.

14. Write things down. Whether it is a day planner or a note jotted down on a post-it-note, the repetition of writing it down helps your brain recall it later, especially when you've lost track of what day it is in quarantine.

15. Value alone time, and use it to check in with yourself or to reset if needed.

16. Breathe. Deep breathing may seem simple or silly, but it is a great tool to stay grounded and avoid panicking.

17. It can be fun to sing along to your favorite songs, even if you can’t hit a note.

18. Trying your best is all you can do. You can’t please everyone and if you feel content, it is enough.

19. It is okay to put yourself first. In fact, it is important to value your health, both mental and physical, and to always ask for help when you need it.

20. Always be kind and open to new perspectives, we are all in this together.

As things begin to slowly open back up, I find myself reflecting on the past few months and the “new normal” that we now exist in. I am sure that I will be able to add to this list as time goes on, considering the rocky road that remains ahead. I hope that my words resonated with your experiences or at least inspired you to think about how this worldwide pandemic has altered your outlook on life moving forward. I hope you enjoy a safe and relaxing rest of the summer, whatever it may hold. 

Xo, Megan Falvey.


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